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QUEERING THE BORDER: Que el amor nos haga

Beginning in Fall 2023, Dora Arreola will create a new movement-based theatre work, Queering the Border: Que el Amor Nos Haga (Love Make Us) in collaboration with Mujeres en Ritual company members and artists who live at the intersection LGTBQ+ identities and the border of the United States-Mexico. This project is commissioned by Art2Action and the Queer Arts Exchange, with a 2023 National Performance Network (NPN) Creation and Development Fund grant pending. The development process will be 2023-24, with a projected premiere in Tampa in 2025, touring to Houston,TX in 2026.

Mujeres en Ritual

An ensemble performance directed by Dora Arreola

To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the company, Mujeres en Ritual Danza-Teatro, we remounted the company’s first original production from 1999, Mujeres en Ritual, from which the company got its name. The anniversary production, remounted and directed by Dora Arreola, was presented to a sold-out crowd at El Cine Tonalá, in Tijuana, México, November 2019. Mujeres en Ritual is a collage of rituals, games, dance and songs exploring the relationship between women's bodies and society. It is an encounter between women in multiple spaces, real and imaginary, dreams and desires, conflicts and shared hopes. 

Yo Remores

Yo, Rumores Silencio

A solo directed and performed by Dora Arreola
Santa Muerte (photo F. Galli).JPG
     In 2009, Dora Arreola began a multi-year performance research project based on Telares (o el olvido) / Looms (or, the forgetting), a three-part play about colonization and memory, by Fabiola Ruiz. Arreola was one of five women artists selected globally for "Meetings with Remarkable Women: Investigating Women's Contribution to Grotowski's Cross-Cultural Performance Research," organized by Dr. Virginie Magnat. While in residence in Wroclaw, Poland, Arreola began developing the first part of the trilogy as a solo performance, titled Yo, Rumores Silencio. The process investigated more deeply the relationship between traditional practices and contemporary performance; and more broadly, the relationship between a sacred action and a performative action.

Copyright  2021  Site Design by James Geiger | Site Content by Dora Arreola

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